Monday, February 2, 2009

The Monthly Bills/Balances-February 2009

Updated for February 2009-Paid off a credit card and boosted the ole savings account!

Mortgage: $1595.32/mnth Balance: $177,223.51
Truck: $557.49/mnth Balance: $29,546.97
Car: $623.69/mnth Balance: $32,234.85
Discover Balance: $0.00-woohoo, paid that sucker off!
WAMU Balance: $0.00-haven't added anything to it!
AMEX Balance: $0.00-not going to add anything here either!
MB Balance: $0.00-smokin' hot!
Gasoline: $80.00/mnth give or take $20.00-this may go up if hubs takes the new job
Electric: $74.84 for January-running a space heater in our bedroom
Heating: $185.38 for January-installed a digital thermostat, we are saving big now!
Groceries: $300/mnth-probably a little more this month since i'm buying some seafood
Water/Trash: $114.09/quarterly-showering more since we started working out!
Savings: $4650 as of 2/2/09-will be adding an additional $1000 next week
Fun Money: $100 each and $200 in a pool for eating out this month

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