Out of the blue yesterday, my husband received an email from his boss (he wasn't the only one to receive the email) asking what his typical work hours are. Now if he hadn't been privvy to earlier talks of cutting OT, this email wouldn't ruffle any feathers, however, since he is "in the know" about the scaling back on OT, this is a huge red flag. Does this mean that OT is going the way of the dodo? If so, we stand to take a $800-$1000 hit per month. OUCH! With no raise this year, that really hurts. However, what I fail to understand is that huge year end bonuses were given to the employees (to the tune of $5k and up) but they want to cut the bread and butter that is a regular paycheck. I realize that $5k isn't equivalent to what we stand to lose over the course of a year, but if that amount were spread out over the year, it wouldn't hurt so bad to take the OT loss. Luckily we banked the bonus and have something to fall back on, but that is the bulk of our emergency fund and god forbid we have an emergency! I'm not sure how much longer our furnace is going to be able to limp along. We are almost out of the woods as far as needing to use it, so I think we will be ok for now, but if something goes south between now and next winter, I think we are going to have to stock up on Snuggie blankets and long underwear, and believe me, long underwear and snuggies are not a good look for anyone!
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