Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monthly Bills/Balances-July 2009

Rent: $1524
Discover Balance: oh boy, here goes...$6328.00...yeah, that hurts
WAMU Balance: not so good here either....$3417.00...stupid auto loan deficiency!
AMEX Balance: This card is closed!
MB Balance: $0.00-at least something looks ok on the balance sheet
Electric: $53-this is probably the most it will ever get to as we are using the A/C full bore right now
Groceries: $400-$500/mnth-when did fruits and veggies get so expensive?
Transportation: $86/mnth-this will remain constant for my train pass
Savings: nada
Fun Money: only a couple hundred here-things are tight until we pay off that ridiculous Discover/WAMU balance!

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